Jumat, 23 Juli 2010



DESTY RATNA S. ( 036109078 )

DINI NOPIANTI ( 036109085 )

NANDINI RESHA Y. ( 036109088 )

WINDIA WULANDARI ( 036109067 )


1). 10 REASONS NOT WANT was kept

Here are 10 reasons why a Muslim would not yet even he was kept, and may Allah open the doors of guidance to those who do not want to he was kept.

I'm not really sure of the function / usability hijab

We then ask two questions to this sister;
First, does he really believe and confess the truth of Islam?
By nature he said, Yes, as he then say Laa Ilaa haIllallah! Which showed that he obeyed and Muhammadan aqidahnya rasullullah! Stating he was obedient to the sharia. With so he convinced of Islam and its all legal.

Second, we ask: Is not wear the veil, including the law in Islam? If this sister and honest and sincere in his Islamannya, he would say, Yes, it is part of Islamic law that are listed in the holy Quran and the Sunnah of the holy Prophet.

So the conclusion here, if the sisters are believed to Islam and believe in it, why he did not carry out law and order?

I am convinced of the importance of the hijab but my mother forbade, and if I violate the mother, I will go to hell.

Who answered this is a creation of God Almighty noblest, Rasulullah SAWW very wise in his advice: "There is no adherence to a
above adherence to the creation of Allah. "(Ahmad) In fact, parental status in Islam, a very high position and honor.
In a
paragraph stated: "Worship Allah and do not ascribe Him with something else. And do good to both his mother and father. . "(QS.An-Nisa: 36). Obedience to parents is not limited except in one aspect, ie when associated with adherence to Allah SWT. Allah says, "and if they strive to ascribe to me something that you have no knowledge, then do not follow them ..." (Surah Luqman: 15)

Do not adhere to their parents in running the commands of Allah SWT does not cause us to act arbitrarily against them. We still have to respect and love them completely. Allah says in the same paragraph; "and pergaulilah well both in the world."

In conclusion, how can you obey your mother but violating Allah Almighty who created you and your mom.

My position does not allow me to wear the hijab.

Sisters is probably one of two types: he's sincere and honest, or vice versa, he was a charlatan who on behalf of the working environment for not wearing hijab. We will begin with an answer that he is sincere and honest woman.

"Do you not realize my sister is not dear, that Muslim women are not allowed to leave the house without a hijab and covered the nakedness is an obligation for every Muslim to know about it? If thou, my sister, spent much time and effort to learn different things in this world, how then can you be neglectful of learning those things that will save you from the anger of Allah and your death? "

Is not Allah the Almighty has said, "then ask the person who has the knowledge, if you do not know" (Surat an-Nahl: 43).
Learn to know the wisdom behind closed auratmu.
If you must exit your home, voluntary auratmu with hijab, seek Allah's pleasure than pleasure satan. Because crime can be started from the intoxicating scenery from a woman.

Dear sister, if you're really honest and sincere in living things, and trying, you'll find thousands of hands of good assisting you and Allah will make the matter easy for you.
Is not Allah the Almighty has spoken;
"Those who fear Allah, He will hold for him a way out. Rizki and gave no thought of direction, but thought .. "(Surah AtTalaq :2-3).

Position and honor is something determined by Allah SWT. And do not rely on luxury clothes we wear, the colors that stand out, and follow the prevailing trend. Honor and position is more to be obedient to Allah and His Messenger SAW, and depending on the law of Allah that is pure.

Hear the words of God; "surely the most honorable among you God's hand was the most cautious among you .." (Surat Al-Hujurat: 13).

In conclusion, do something with seeking pleasure and keridhoan Allah, and give prices a little on the expensive objects that can menjerumuskanmu.

The air in my area is very hot and I can not help it. How might I can handle it especially if I wear the hijab.

Almighty Allah gives parables, saying, "Hell fire is more more very hot (it) if they know .." (Surat At-Taubah: 81)
How might you be able to compare the heat in your area with the heat in Hell? Actually, my sister, satan has tried to make talli to drag you from the heat of the earth to the heat of the Hellfire.

Free yourself from his net and try to see the heat of the sun as a gift, not misery. Especially considering that the intensity of the punishment of Allah will be much heavier than what you feel now in this mortal world.
Return to the laws of Allah and seek refuge from His punishment, as stated in paragraph; "they do not feel the coolness in it and not (too
a) drink, other than boiling water and pus "(Surah AN-NABA 78:24-25).

In conclusion, the paradise that Allah Almighty promised, full of trials and tests. While the road to hell is full of joy, lust and pleasure.

Excuse Five:
I am afraid that if I wear the hijab now, on the other days I'll take it off again, because I see so many others do so.

To my sister I said, "if all the people applying your logic, they will abandon all of its liabilities in the end!
They will leave the praying five times a day because they fear can not carry even one's prayer time. They would have left fasting in the month of Ramadan, because they can not fulfill tekut one day alone in the month of fasting for Ramadan, and so on. Do you not see how satan has set you up again and blocked petunju for you?

Allah loves continuous obedience even if only a very small compliance or advisable. Then how about something really obligation like wearing the hijab? Prophet SAWW said: "Deeds of the most beloved of Allah is a continuous noble deeds, which may be other people think small."

Why are you my sister, did not see the reason they invented to take off their head scarves back and away from them? Why do not you open the curtain of truth and hold fast to him?
Indeed Allah has said, "so we made that such a warning for those today who were, and for those who come in later periods, as well as a lesson for those who fear Allah" (Surat Al-Baqarah 2:66)

In conclusion, if you adhere to the instructions and feel the sweetness of faith, you will not leave the command of Allah SWT even when you do it.

If I wear hijab, then jodohku will be difficult, so I'll wear it later after getting married.

My sister, husband any more like you did not wear the veil and let auratmu in public, meaning he did not heed the law and commands of Allah and not the husband the precious from the beginning. He is the husband who has no feeling to protect and maintain the command of Allah, and never expect this type of husband will help you avoid the fires of hell, much less enter Al-Jannah. A house filled with non-adherence to Allah SWT, will always face the pain and misery in the world today and even in the hereafter.

Allah Almighty says, "and whoever turns away from My reminder, verily for him is a narrow livelihood, and We shall raise at the last day in the blind" (Surah Taha 20:124)

Marriage is a help and blessing of Allah SWT to anyone who He wills.
How many women who turned out to get married while they are not wearing the hijab does not? If you, dear sister, said that the lack of uncovered is a means to reach a pure end, namely marriage. There is no closure.
My sister, a pure tujuanyang, will not be attained through impure and corrupt means in Islam. If the goal is clean and pure, and honorable, then it must necessarily be achieved with clean and pure as well. In Islamic law we call it: Tool or ways to achieve something, depending on the existing regulations to achieve that goal.

In conclusion, there is no blessing of a marriage that is based on the sin and folly.

I do not wear the veil based on the words of Allah: "and to the favor of your Lord, so shall ye mention it (with thanks)" (Dhuhaa QS.Ad-93: 11). How can I cover the grace of God in the form of smooth skin and beautiful hair?

So this sister of ours adheres to the Book of Allah as long as it supports their interests and understanding! he actually left the commentary behind the verse when it is not fun. If what I say is wrong, why not follow our sister this verse: "they do not show visible jewelry except thereof" (Sura An-Nur 24: 31] and the word of Allah: "Say to your wives, daughters and the wives of the believers; let them head out .. "(Sura Al-Ahzab 33:59). With statement
from you that, my sister, you have to make their own sharia for you, which actually has been forbidden by Allah SWT, which is called at-tabarruj and as-sufoor. The biggest blessing from Allah for us is the faith and guidance, which of them is using a hijab. Why do not you learn and review the greatest gift to you this?

In conclusion, whether there is a blessing and relief to the woman that is greater than the instructions and the hijab?

Excuse Eight:
I know that the hijab is an obligation, but I'll wear it when I've felt compelled and guided by Him.

I asked this sister, or step plan of what he was doing during the wait for guidance, guidance from Allah as he said? We know that Allah has in sentences His wisdom made a cause or means for everything. That is why the sick take a pill to become healthy, and so forth.

Has this sister of ours seriously endeavored to seek true guidance with all sincerity, pray, as in Sura Al-Fatihah 1:6 "Show us the straight path" and together seek knowledge to the Muslim-devout Muslim and other, more thought has been
given instructions by using the hijab?

In conclusion, if this sister was really serious in searching or waiting for guidance from Allah, he must be doing a walk to search it.

Excuse Nine:
Not yet time for me. I'm still too young to wear them. I would definitely use it later along with the addition of age and after I went on Hajj.

Angel of death, my sister, visiting and waiting at your door whenever Allah wills.
Unfortunately, my sister, the death does not discriminate between young and old, and he might come while you're still in a state of unpreparedness of sin and Allah says;
"Every faithful interpretation of the deadline; the time has come when they can not postpone things for a moment and can not be (too) memajukannya" (QS Al-An'aam 7:34] Dear sister, you have competed in obedience to God SWT; "lombalah you aspire to (get) forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise as wide as heaven and bumu .." (Sura al-Hadid 57:21)
sisters, do not forget Allah or He will forget you in this world and the next. You're forgetting your own soul by not fulfilling the right of your soul to obey Him. Allah says about those hypocrites, "and do not be like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget to themselves" (Sura Al-Hashr 59: 19)

sister, wearing a headscarf in a young age, will be easy for you. For God Almighty will be asking for the time you spend during your youth, and every time in your life later in the day of reckoning.

In conclusion, stop your activities set in the future, because no one can guarantee the life until the next day.

I am afraid that if I wear hijab, I will be stamped and categorized in a particular group! I hate grouping!

Sister, there are only two groups in Islam. And both are mentioned in Kitabullah. The first group is the group / army of God (Hezbollah) is given on their victory, because of their compliance. And the second group is the group that accursed satan (hizbush-shaitan) who always violate Allah SWT. If you, my sister, holding fast to Allah's command, and it turns out around you are your brothers who wear the hijab, you will still be included in the group of Allah SWT. But if you beautify your passion and your ego, you will be driving a vehicle Satanic, at worst friend.

By: Dr. Ismaeel Huwayda
1. Translate from these themes!
2. Draw Conclusions (Translate!)
3. How do you and the environment (Ungkapankan with Indonesian!)

2) Kesimpulan dari bahasan diatas adalah bahwa berhijab itu wajib, sebagaimana telah di perintahkan oleh Allah SWT di dalam Al Quran. Banyak sekali alasan yang membuat kita belum merasa yakin untuk memakai jilbab. Diantaranya dari faktor keluarga, lingkungan, dan kesadaran diri sendiri. Sebetulnya hal itu bisa kita atasi dengan niat yang kuat, dan semata – mata hanya untuk menjalankan perintah Allah SWT. Selain menutup aurat berhijab juga mempunyai banyak manfaat, diantaranya : melindungi kulit kita dari sengatan matahari, menghangatkan tubuh kita dari udara dingin, juga melindungi diri dari orang – orang yang berniat buruk kepada kita.

Translate :

Conclusions from the discussion above is that he was kept was compulsory, as has been instructed by Allah in the Qur'an. There are so many reasons that make us not feel confident to wear a headscarf. Among the family factors, environmental, and self awareness. Actually, we can overcome it with strong faith, and only - subject only to the command of Allah SWT. In addition to closing the private parts was kept also has many benefits, including: protecting our skin from the sun, to warm our bodies from the cold, as well as protect themselves from people - people who intend to bad to us.

3). Dilingkungan kami, untuk berhijab adalah hal yang sudah tidak asing lagi. Karena saat ini sudah banyak muslimah yang berhijab. Karena saat ini tidak ada lagi larangan dalam pekerjaan ataupun di lingkungan masyarakat.

Translate :

Our environment, for he was kept was the thing that is not foreign. Because it's been a lot of Muslim he was kept. Because currently there are no more restrictions in the work environment or in the community.

Minggu, 25 April 2010

tekhnologi terbaru

VGA Card Canggih Terbaru dari AMD ATI FirePro V8800
By admin on April 21st, 2010
(3 votes, average: 4.67 out of 5)
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AMD mengumumkan produk VGA Card baru Pro V8800. Perangkat vga card ini memiliki prosesor 1600 stream dan core clock speed 825MHz, 2GB memori GDDR5 dengan bandwith 147.2GB/s. Kartu grafis baru ini sudah mendukung teknologi ATI Eyefinity untuk menampilkan di banyak layar monitor sekaligus sampai 30 layar.

AMD ATI FirePro V8800 mendukung DirectX 11.0, OpenGL 3.2, Shade Model 5.0 serta ATI CrossFire Pro. Card ini menggunakan interface PCI Express 2.0 x16 dan a4 DisplayPorts dengan resolusi maksimum 2560×1600 dengan refresh rate 60Hz. Harga ATI FirePro V8800 adalah $1499 atau 14 jutaan rupiah. VGA Card NVIDIA terbaru GeForce GT340
By admin on February 27th, 2010
(2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
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NVIDIA kembali memperkenalkan produk barunya yaitu GeForce GT340. GPU baru ini memiliki 96 CUDA core dan 550Mhz graphics clock speed, 1340MHz processor clock speed dan 1700MHz memory clock speed.VGA Card GeForce GT340 ini sudah siap untuk 3D Vision dan PhysX serta mendukung teknologi PureVideo,CUDA technology, DirectX 10.1, dan OpenGL 3.2. Kartu grafis ini memiliki output VGA, DVI dan HDMI dengan resolusi maksimum 2560×1600. Selain itu produk ini juga memiliki internal audio input untuk HDMI.

AKPC_IDS += "13732,";
Kecepatan komputer selalu didambakan oleh siapa saja. Berbagai usaha dan penelitian terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komputer. Beberapa waktu yang lalu super komputer tercepat di dunia telah hadir untuk membantu militer amerika melakukan perhitungan. Kini giliran sebuah teknologi di bidang Memory komputer.
Sebelumnya Anda pasti pernah mendengar istilah RAM (Ramdom Access Memory) untuk menyebut memory komputer. Memory RAM ini memiliki berbagai jenis mulai dari EDO RAM, DDR1, DDR2 dan beberapa jenis lainnya.
Namun ternyata RAM saja elum cukup untuk memuaskan kebutuhan manusia akan tuntutan kecepatan. Oleh karena itu, Fisikawan dan Insinyur Jerman mengembangkan sebuah jenis memory baru.
Memory tersebut diberi nama Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM), memory ini bukan hanya lebih cepat daripada RAM tetapi juga Lebih hemat Energi. Kehadiran MRAM sepertinya akan meningkatkan perkembangan mobile computing dan level penyimpanan dengan cara membalik arah kutub utara-selatan medan magnit.
IBM dan beberapa perusahaan pengembang yang lain berencana menggunakan MRAM, MRAM ini akan memutar elektron-elektron untuk mengganti kutub magnet. Hal ini juga dikenal sebagai spin-torque MRAM (Torsi putar MRAM) teknologi inilah yang kini sedang dikembangkan oleh para fisikawan dan insinyur Jerman.
Dengan membangun pilar-pilar kecil berukuran 165 nano meter, akan mengakibatkan magnet variabel pada atas lapisan akan mengakibatkan arus listrik mengalir dari bawah ke atas dan akan memutar posisi elektron. Medan magnet ini akan berubah dan hanya membutuhkan sedikit waktu untuk merubah kutub medan magnet ini. Kemudian kutub utara dan selatan akan bertukar.
Jika anda bingung dengan proses di atas, tidak usah dihiraukan juga tidak apa-apa. Atau kalau mau membaca sendiri yang versi inggris disini.
Yang pasti, kecepatan MRAM mencapai 10 kali lipat kecepatan RAM. KEcepatan ini masih bisa terus dikembangkan dimasa depan.ASUS EeePad akan membuat debut selama Computex 2010, dan bahkan dapat memasuki pasar pada akhir Juli.SlashGear telah mengetahui bahwa secara resmi EeePad ASUS akan berlangsung selama bulan Juni ini Computex 2010 (tgl 1-5), hal ini telah dikonfirmasi oleh eksekutif ASUS Jerry Shen selama konferensi di Taiwan. Shen mengatakan alat itu saat ini sedang di-tweak untuk lebih bersaing dengan iPad Apple, dan telah mengalami desain ulang berulang kali untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik. Google juga membantu fine-tuning OS Android sebelum dirilis.

Pembuat komponen mengindikasikan bahwa perangkat ini akan bersaing di pangsa pasar kuarter ketiga 2010, mungkin pada akhir Juli. Ada juga beberapa spekulasi berapa harga untuk tablet baru ini. DigiTimes melaporkan bahwa sumber memperkirakan harga akan berkisar dari $ 479 sampai $ 510 USD setelah bundling dengan layanan 3G. Total pengiriman diperkirakan mencapai 300.000 unit selama 2010. Sebaliknya, Apple telah menjual lebih dari 300.000 unit iPad dalam satu hari.
Sedangkan harga berada pada tingkat yang sama dengan (iPad hanya Wi-Fi, 16 GB model), berdasarkan perangkat-Tegra ASUS tidak kalah bersaingan dengan saingannya , menawarkan Adobe Flash, kamera depan terpadu, dan bahkan konektivitas USB. Electronista mengatakan bahwa Shen tidak menentukan seperti apa versi Flash yang akan pada tablet, apakah itu Flash versi 10.1 atau Flash Lite yang lebih terbatas. Harapkan rincian lebih lanjut ke permukaan pada awal Juni.
Sumber: TomsHardware.com
AKPC_IDS += "13786,";

ponsel terbaru 2010

Ponsel Android Terbaru Dell Thunder Memiliki Layar Besar 4.1 Inch
By admin on April 21st, 2010
(2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)
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Wow makin lama, layar ponsel makin membesar saja. Tidak mau kalah dengan iPhone, Dell meluncurkan ponsel berbasis Android baru dengan layar 4.1 inch dan resolusi 800×480px dengan teknologi OLED. Ponsel ini mampu mengambil foto sampai resolusi 8mpx. Sistem operasi ponsel pintar ini adalah Android 2.1
Ada software user interface khusus dari Dell bernama Dell “Stage” yang sepertinya beda dari Dell Streak maupun Aero. Menurut Dell, ponsel ini juga mendukung Flash 10.1 untuk melihat video web dan nantinya ada rencana mendukung pakai aplikasi video Hulu. Kemungkinan besar ponsel ini masih mendukung HSDPA belum mendukung LTE.
Dell Thunder juga dilengkapi aplikasi Facebook maupun Twitter yang sepertinya sudah merupakan keharusan bagi ponsel-ponsel canggih yang baru.
Berikut ini adalah tampilan dokumen dari Dell: (klik utk perbesar)

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

penyakit pandemik yang mematikan

Pandemik Mematikan di Abad ke 20

Diana Posted by: Diana in General Print PDF Tagged in: Untagged
WHO menyatakan bahwa berjangkitnya flu babi di seluruh dunia sebagai “keadaan darurat kesehatan publik internasional.” Petugas kesehatan di seluruh dunia berlomba untuk mengatasi kemungkinan potensial terjadinya pandemik.
Suatu pandemik flu terjadi saat satu virus baru ditemukan membahayakan populasi manusia yang tidak memiliki daya tahan tubuh, menurut WHO.
Christine Layton, ahli kesehatan publik yang spesialisasinya pada ifluenza pada penelitian Institute RTI International, mengatakan pada CNN bahwa flu babi memilik potensi pandemik.

"Tidak seperti flu burung yang dikhawatirkan orang beberapa tahun yang lalu, banyak kasus terjadi di daerah yang berbeda,” ujarnya. "Rata-rata angka kematian lebih rendah pada flu babi, tetapi nampaknya meningkat diberbagai macam tempat."
Pandemik influenza sebelumnya mematikan. Menurut proyeksi terkini, pandemik total hasilnya sekitar 7.4 juta kematian di seluruh dunia, jelas WHO.
Sejak tahun 1900 tiga pandemik telah terjadi, menurut Department of Health and Human Services Amerika Serikat.

Flu Spanyol merupakan pandemik terburuk di abad ke 20. Seluruh dunia mencapai 40 persen mengalami sakit pada saat hal itu terjadi dari 1918-1919.
WHO memperkirakan jumlah kematian sekitar 50 juta atau lebih banyak jika dibandingkan selama perang dunia pertama. Dan virus seperti flu Spanyol belum pernah terjadi lagi sejak saat itu.
Meskipun 10 kali lebih mematikan dari pandemik lainnya, flu Spanyol tidak seberbahaya dibandingkan cacar atau campak menurut ahli epidemilogi Harvard Christina Mills dan Marc Lipsitch, pada tahun 2004.
Pada tahun 1957, pandemik influenza lain merebak. Pandemik flu pada 1957 disebut sebagai flu Asia.
Flu ini desebabkan oleh H2N2 dan pertama kali diidentifikasikan di Cina. Ada dua gelombang penyakit selama pandemik ini: gelombang pertama kebanyakan menyerang anaka-anak, sementara kedua kebanyakan menyerang orang tua. Pandemik ini secara keseluruhan membunuh 2 juta orang di dunia.
Tetapi komunitas medis mampu mengidentifikasikan pandemik secara lebih cepat karena berkembangnya teknologi, menurut CDC Amerika Serikat.
Pandemik terakhir terjadi pada tahun 1968 saat pandemik flu terjadi di Hong Kong. Sekitar 33,800 orang meninggal antara September 1968 and Maret 1969. Menjadikan ini pandemik teringan sepanjang abad ke 20.
Sementara itu tidak ada pandemik yang menyeruak sejak 1968, ancaman pandemik lainnya di abad ke 20 termasuk pada tahun 1976 yang disebut sebagai ‘killer flu’ (kemudian disebut sebagai swine flu atau flu babi) yang mengancam Amerika Serikat, yang menyebabkan vaksinasi massal diantara ketakutan akan flu Spanyol.
Pandemik terakhir yang mengancam adalah pada tahun 1997 dan 1999. Ratusan orang terinfeksi oleh flu burung, yang membunuh enam orang dan menginfeksi ratusan orang. Virus ini berbeda karena berpindah dari ayam ke manusia, jika dibandingkan berpindah ke babi terlebih dahulu. Sekitar 1.5 juta unggas di sembelih di Hong Kong karena mengancam.
Meningkatnya perjalanan melalui udara di seluruh dunia telah meningkatkan kemungkinan penyakit menyebar lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. Sindrom gangguan pernapasan akut, yang disebut sebagai SARS, merupakan penyakit yang diketahui berpindah pertama kali dan menyebar di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2003.
Tetapi menyebarnya SARS yang dapat dilihat pada aplikasi perhitungan pengendalian seperti karantina, larangan tergas untuk berpergian dan pemeriksaan demam di airport telah membantu masyarakat untuk mengatasi keadaan darurat kesehatan.